Occam’s Razor: Keeping Things Simple
What is Occam’s razor? The term “Occam’s razor” may sound like a limited-edition, old-school shaver. But it has nothing to do with shaving.” Occam’s razor is a philosophical principle credited […]
Maya Angelou: The Power of Words
“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” – Maya Angelou Maya Angelou hardly needs an introduction. She is a beloved American author, […]
5 Ways Women Leaders Are Transforming the Post-Pandemic Workplace
A lot has happened since the world went on lockdown in 2020. But we can say that one of the more positive developments that came out of that period is […]
Lizzo: Award-Winning Pop Star, Body Positivity Champion
“My movement is for everybody. My movement celebrates diversity. It’s all about inclusion. It’s all about getting our flowers and giving each person their own space to be an individual […]
Boost Your Post-Pandemic Online Presence with These 5 Digital Brand Management Trends
How strong is your brand’s online presence? Is your brand reaching your intended post-pandemic audience? The online marketplace has always been crowded and fast-paced. It takes focused digital brand management […]
Miriam Defensor-Santiago: The Iron Lady of Asia
“What is the meaning of life? This meaning is not for you to find, but for you to define. The meaning of life is found in the purposes that we […]
Is Your Brain Tired? Let It Rest with Soft Fascination
A tired brain at the end of a work day is a universal experience. This is especially true if you spend your days hyper-focused on your tasks. It’s no surprise, […]
Dolores Huerta: Labor Leader and Feminist Icon
“My mother was a dominant force in our family. And I always see her as the leader. And that was great for me as a young woman because I never […]
Sofia Ionescu-Ogrezeanu: First Female Neurosurgeon
“This operation changed my life for the next 47 years, as I became a neurosurgeon, turning 180 degrees away from what I had chosen for myself before, the quiet life […]
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