As a business owner, you must know how to market your brand to gain new customers, build visibility, and maintain a good reputation across the board. But you may be struggling with finding the right branding strategies for your company, especially if you are part of the holistic health industry.
Having a well-informed and multi-faceted marketing plan can make an enormous difference in your success – while also adding credibility to your brand, whether you’re a Reiki master or yoga instructor!
Here are 10 branding must-haves you can consider to help you get started or improve your current marketing plan.
1. Show your credentials, if you can
Your credentials matter. Having a state license can add credibility to your brand and attract more customers to your business. You can also post any licenses or training certificates you may have or are currently taking to augment your “About me” page.
If you plan to receive money in exchange for certain health services, it’s a good idea to look at your state’s laws on how you should proceed. For example, you may need to be accredited by the Professional Wellness Alliance (PWA) if you want to legally be able to provide services.
It’s perfectly okay if you don’t have credentials yet, especially if you’re just starting. However, you should plan your marketing efforts to slowly build up your credentials. This not only gives you better branding but also provides peace of mind that you are operating in a safe, legal environment.
2. Define what makes you different
As with any good branding strategy, you need to know how to differentiate your holistic health business from your competitors. Identify and highlight your unique selling points and keep repeating them throughout your social media.
For example, if your health business offers a combination of Reiki with sound healing and manifestation practices, your brand strategy should highlight this unique blend. You can showcase how this combination can provide potential clients with a comprehensive and holistic approach to their well-being.
3. Know your audience
No two holistic health businesses are the same, so it makes sense that no two customers are, either! Based on what you offer, try to gather as much information as you can on your target customer. Think about their needs and preferences and build your branding strategy from there!
During the early stages of your marketing, you can ask your potential clients what they want from their holistic health business. Keep track of this information so that you can easily identify trends.
4. Make a plan
This is especially true if you’re a one-person business or just starting. You need to make a simple and realistic marketing plan that works within your budget, time availability, and skills. You may want to go all out with your marketing plan – but remember that it’s better to start small but efficient than have a grand plan that is all over the place.
5. Use the right advertising mediums
It is a common misconception that all businesses need Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. This is why it’s so important that you know your target audience. Are you looking to attract tech-savvy individuals or is your ideal client more interested in word-of-mouth?
Choosing the right advertising medium ensures that you get the right attention from the right people. This also maximizes your budget as you use your money more wisely on advertising that will work best for you and your company.
6. Join a professional organization
If you’re a holistic health business, you will inevitably come across people who will think of your company as a lot of “woo woo”. The best way to reduce this is to join a professional organization. Not only does this add credibility to your brand, but it also provides free promotion, as these organizations typically include you in their professional directory.
7. Make a website
Make your website easy to navigate and understand. This is particularly true if your holistic health business is a little esoteric and may need some explanation of the services you provide. It’s a good idea to also include several media that show what you have to offer.
If your budget allows for it, you may want to create a professional website on DIY platforms for a monthly fee.
8. Use social media
Make a habit of regularly engaging with your customers. Not only will this help build better relationships with them, but also help you understand their needs better. Most customers are more honest about their experiences on social media – so it’s a great way to hear unfiltered comments about your business.
9. Create an email newsletter
Consider creating an e-mail newsletter that you can easily manage and schedule. Remember to always ask permission from your clients before adding them to your newsletter list! A lot of people don’t want to receive emails, so make sure that you inform them if they will be added to any list.
You can use your newsletter to alert your community about any upcoming events, promotions, specials, or discounts for your holistic health business.
10. Ask for ratings and reviews
A great way to build your holistic health brand is to ask satisfied clients to write a review online. This also has the added benefit of improving your SEO ranking and boosting your brand on popular search engines.
Owning a holistic health business does not have to be difficult if you have a well-thought-out branding strategy. Keep in mind that the goal is to build credibility, so it’s okay to take things slow and steady at first rather than go all out but have a confused marketing plan.