Articles Tagged with: Innovation

Launch Mid Valley PubTalk: A Venue for Entrepreneurs and Investors to Thrive with Local Venture Capital

Are you an entrepreneur ready to take your business to the next level? Or perhaps you’re interested in investing in the future of local startups?

Whether you’re on the founder’s path or looking to become an investor, understanding the world of venture capital is key to unlocking new opportunities.

Why Venture Capital Matters for Entrepreneurs and Investors?

As a founder, scaling a business often requires significant financial resources. Venture capital (VC) can provide that much-needed boost, offering funding in exchange for equity in the company.

But accessing venture capital isn’t just about finding money. It’s about preparing your business to meet investors’ expectations – becoming “investment-ready” and demonstrating a clear path to growth.

On the other hand, if you’re interested in becoming an investor, VC can also be an exciting avenue. Investors provide early-stage funding for startups, often playing a vital role in helping innovative companies get off the ground.

Investing locally adds an extra layer of impact, allowing you to support businesses in your community while potentially reaping financial returns.

A Unique Opportunity to Learn from Local VC Leaders

If you’ve been curious about either side of the VC equation, here’s an opportunity you won’t want to miss. Launch Mid Valley has partnered with Oregon Entrepreneurs Network to host a special event at the Chemeketa Center for Business and Industry in Salem on Wednesday, October 30th.

Dubbed “Launch Mid Valley PubTalk: How to Access Venture Capital,” the event will bring together leaders from local venture funds so they can offer insights tailored to specific goals for both entrepreneurs and aspiring investors. 

For Entrepreneurs: The Path to Venture Capital

As a founder, you’ll learn critical strategies to position your business for investment at this Launch Mid Valley PubTalk. From understanding what venture capitalists are looking for to identifying the path to your company’s investability, you’ll gain actionable advice on preparing for and securing funding. Local VC leaders will share their perspectives on why they invest in certain startups and the key factors that drive their decisions.

For Investors: Community-Focused Investment Strategies

If you’re looking to invest in local businesses, this PubTalk offers valuable insights into the mindsets of Oregon-based venture capitalists. You’ll learn how they assess startups, the types of companies they prioritize, and how their investment strategies align with the local economy’s needs. More importantly, you’ll understand how to think about community-centric investing so you can make a positive impact while supporting innovation.

Ready to Take the Next Step?

If you’re ready to explore the VC world and learn from the top local experts, don’t miss Launch Mid Valley PubTalk on October 30th.

Gain the tools, insights, and connections you need to succeed as a founder or investor.

Register here:

Innovate Like a Pro : Unlocking Business Success Through Cultural Diversity

These days, diversity has become even more important in the workplace. More companies are embracing a remote setup and hiring talented professionals from all over the world. Not only does this add different mindsets and backgrounds to a company, but may also contribute to improved productivity. In fact, McKinsey & Company has a report stating that companies that honor diversity are 35% more likely to be more efficient than their competitors. 

In this article, we’ll discuss how to embrace cultural diversity in your business to develop more innovative ideas, have better problem-solving, and gain broader market appeal.

What does diversity mean?

It’s important that you understand what we mean when we say “diversity.” Cultural diversity in the workplace refers to the inclusion and representation of individuals from various backgrounds, demographics, and identities within an organization. It’s not meant to “check a box” in your organization’s “representation” quota but to encourage professionals from all over the world to contribute to your business regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, and socioeconomic status, among others. 

Cultural diversity in the workplace recognizes the unique perspectives and talents that individuals bring to the table and harnesses these differences for the benefit of your group. 

Why is diversity important in the workplace?

A diverse workplace encourages innovation, creativity, and problem-solving by bringing together a broad range of ideas and perspectives. It can improve employee engagement because people feel a sense of belonging and are more willing to be more authentic while working.

Diverse companies also have the unique advantage of understanding and serving a more extensive target audience, which could improve customer satisfaction and business success.

How having a culturally diverse workforce can benefit your company

The benefits of diversity are countless, but here are five benefits that could significantly impact your bottom line. 

  • It helps maximize skill.

With a culturally diverse workforce, you look for talent and talent only. By focusing on the person’s skill set, you empower individuals to bring their best selves to work. Your organization benefits because you have a team composed of skilled professionals who are confident in their abilities and the abilities of their co-workers. 

You also boost problem-solving capabilities in your team because you are fostering an environment where all voices are heard and valued. 

  • It helps you retain talents.

Aside from attracting a broader talent pool, cultural diversity is crucial to building respect between you and your employees. Your team understands that you trust them and value their skills, which makes valuable candidates want to join (and stay) in your company. 

  • It improves your team’s creativity.

Studies have shown that a culturally diverse company is more creative. By bringing together people from different backgrounds, you have more opportunities to have another pair of eyes looking at and solving an issue. Remember that having a more diverse workforce brings new ways of thinking into your business that can be applied in many ways. This way, you will not be pigeonholed in one direction. 

  • It increases employee engagement.

Even if your company operates remotely, something must be said about having a culturally diverse group. You can communicate directly with someone from a different culture or background and gain firsthand knowledge of interacting with someone different. Further, your team can also engage with different people for work. This helps build trust and can lead to greater motivation, collaboration, and loyalty. 

  • It boosts your company’s reputation.

A company that is known to employ people from all over the world is considered a good employer. Today, workers want to know they are valued for their skills and won’t be judged by arbitrary factors. This reputation will elevate your company’s standing and attract more people to come and work there. 

More importantly, having a good online (and offline) reputation can boost your credibility with your target audience. Your customers learn how to respect your brand for your excellent service and your dedication to your employees.


Maintaining a culturally diverse workplace can do wonders for your company. You benefit from having a talented pool of workers who appreciate and work well together. 

You also get to attract and retain top talent. Organizations prioritizing diversity and inclusivity tend to attract a diverse pool of skilled individuals seeking an environment that respects and celebrates differences. This, in turn, aids in retaining talent, reducing turnover, and creating a positive reputation as an employer of choice.

Ultimately, a culturally diverse workplace promotes a culture of respect, acceptance, and inclusivity. It sets the stage for mutual understanding, collaboration, and harmony among employees, fostering a conducive environment for personal and professional growth while contributing significantly to the success and sustainability of the organization. Embracing diversity isn’t just a moral imperative; it’s a strategic advantage that paves the way for a brighter, more innovative, and prosperous future.

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